been delaying cause i was trying to script some nice mouseover tooltip
tried a few times and failed to come out with one that i am satisfied with and a one that works nicely
another reason was that i was looking for a place that i can host my photos. came across a few, some blog have their own services.
was looking at walagata for a while, then came across flickr (apparently bought over by Yahoo! in March 2005) which i was quite impressed till i saw the 25MB of upload per month ... that was like ... err ...
so needless to say i was put off by the restriction. that was when i landed myself at textamerica (if you are wondering ... i get these list of photo storage sites by looking at the image source of other blogs)
and this is when i am introduced to the term photoblog or moblog. the opportunity to not just store my pics to be linked to my blogs but also to create my first photoblog is just too good to be missed.
this is also where i bumped into this cool mouseover tooltip
this site uses a script from Dynamic Drive
one thing cool about using these readily available scripts as opposed to trying to write one myself is that these scripts (at least for this example) are written and tested across different platform and browser. unless i have installed multiple browsers or have easy access to them, it will be hard for me to really right a cross-browser script.
unless of course you have a brilliant suggestion in this field that i have shallow knowledge of.
for more on photoblogs @ wiki
okay, enough babbling ... here are my first two pics on this blog
... so how many thousand words are spoken already?
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